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Sophie L. Van Neste


PhD, Associate professor

Institut national de recherche scientifique (Québec, Canada)

Sophie L. Van Neste


Sophie L. Van Neste is Associate Professor at the Institut national de recherche scientifique and holder of the Canada Research Chair in Urban Climate Action. She is the PI of a three year living lab on equity in climate adaptation in the province of Quebec, Canada, and is involved in participatory action-research on climate adaptation, resilience and socioecological transition in Montreal. Recent contributions involve an edited book Transitions socioécologiques et milieux de vie, and an article in Local Environment titled Blinders of extreme heat adaptation : uneven urban development and the reproduction of vulnerabilities.


Title: Collective climate action and equity in cities : blinders and challenges of extreme heat adaptation

Description: The workshop will speak to certain blinders of dominant approaches to heat adaptation in cities of the Global North, and the challenges of collective action (community caring practices, urban planning  and efforts to improve housing and the rights of tenants) in the context of uneven urban development and a fragmented governance of heat adaptation in Montreal.

Learning objectives:

  1. Identify root causes of heat vulnerability in cities and relations with equity.
  2. Understand why these often remain at the margin of climate adaptation.
  3. Understand the governance context of heat adaptation and the challenges for community action.