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Daniel Gagnon


PhD, Associate Professor

Centre ÉPIC, Montreal Heart Institute and EKSAP, Université de Montréal

Daniel Gagnon


Daniel Gagnon is Associate Professor of kinesiology at Université de Montréal and Researcher at Centre ÉPIC of the Montreal Heart Institute. Building upon graduate training (University of Ottawa, Canada) in thermal physiology and postdoctoral training (Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine, Dallas, TX, USA) in cardiovascular physiology, he established in 2016 a research program aimed at better understanding the human physiological responses and adaptations to heat exposure. His research program has been continuously funded by major funding agencies (2,8M$ total as PI), it has led to 55 peer-reviewed articles and it has contributed to the training of 46 students. Notable contributions from his program include studies that have shown that heat acclimation improves the neural control of body temperature (PMID: 32011734) and that greater myocardial blood flow requirements during heat exposure can predispose adults living with heart disease to myocardial ischemia (PMID: 38857500).


Title: The physiology of heat exposure

Description: During this presentation, we will review the human body’s physiological responses to heat exposure. We will define concepts of heat stress and heat strain. We will also discuss how physiological strain can predispose to heat-related health risks.

Learning objectives: At the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between heat stress and heat strain
  2. Explain the main physiological responses during heat exposure
  3. Understand how physiological strain predisposes to heat-related health risks